It is that time of year again! The summer is coming to an end, and the weather will soon be changing. Why not enjoy the beauties of nature indoors by installing a virtual sky ceiling or window with the help from the fine arts and technology company, Sky Factory. They design and manufacture the only research-verified illusions of sky™ and illusions of nature™ for enclosed commercial spaces.

Their simulated views of nature are architectural illusions that employ technologies that transform isolated interiors into uplifting environments. This type of visual connection to nature enhances health, productivity, and well-being. They offer various products that use our self-adhesive rubber bumpers, including their Luminous SkyCeilings™ and Luminous Virtual Windows™. They can be found in offices, medical facilities, or other treatment centers to boost the morale of employees and patients.

The Luminous SkyCeilings™ and Luminous Virtual Windows™ are designed to transform enclosed interiors into spacious and relaxing environments that provide uplifting views of the sky and nature. These SkyCeilings and Virtual Windows are easy to install, and are placed in a suspended ceiling grid or window-like frame. Sky Factory’s EcoSlim LED lightboxes use eight of our BS-04 gray square self-adhesive rubber bumpers to separate the light guide panel from the back panel that seals each lightbox. These rubber spacers also provide protection for the light guide panel and back panel from any type of damage. The virtual windows can be used as an alternative to traditional picture frames and art work. There are no limitations to where our bumpers can be applied because the applications are endless!